7 things that will surprise your boyfriend when you move in together

  1. When you’ve covered every inch of your body from hairline to toes in half a bottle of St Moritz dark mousse. It’ll take him six months to stop laughing at you every single time you’ve fake tanned. At least.

  2. That your hair moults like a dog and is EVERYWHERE. Nope, I don’t know how it does either; yes it drives me equally insane. And no, I don’t pull it out in handfuls to sprinkle over the carpet just to annoy you.

  3. He’ll be even more freaked out when it’s one of your false eyelashes on the floor. Is it a bug? A spider? Nope, just one of my Girls With Attitude ultra fluttery strips that’s rudely made its way off my face and onto the carpet when I’ve crashed in at 3am.

  4. That girls being hangry is a really real thing. Suddenly irrationally angry? Getting one word answers out of nowhere around dinnertime? Try shoving getting some food in her gob ASAP and chances are she might snap back to normality as quick as that mood came over.

  5. How many clothes/shoes/bags/general things you have. Even if you really definitely don’t have that many. Thing is, they don’t remember what you’ve got, so wear something that you’ve had for ages but not worn in a couple of months? They’ll think it’s new and accuse you of shopping again.

  6. Similarly how many toiletries a girl needs. Yes, needs. Gone are the days of just shower gel, shampoo & conditioner standing on the side of the bath. Bathroom cabinets will be overflowing with various moisturisers, body moisturisers, bubble baths and hairsprays. They’ll moan that your bathroom has turned into a mini Holland & Barrett. But they’ll be grateful when they’ve got a stomach ache and you’ve got something other than paracetamol to offer.

  7. Just how quickly you can fall asleep after taking ages to choose a film. May as well not have any discussion and let him pick what he wants, as chances are you’ll be snoring ten minutes in.

So there are my seven things that surprised my boyfriend when we moved in together (he STILL laughs at me when I’ve fake tanned); if you’ve moved in with a partner let me know below what took you by surprise!

Becca x

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